Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I don't know about other seventh graders, but I am not going trick or treating this year. What I'm going to do is play tricks on the "too old to trick or treat kids". I am going to jump out and scare them somehow. I probably would have gone, but Mom would not let me be anything extreme this year. I wanted some blood and gore. I don't know why she won't let me, I mean you are practically supposed to be as scary as you can. Anyway, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.

David's Final Thought....


1 comment:

Mema said...

Oh Pal ! blood and gore?? I am surprised at you Mr. Research ...Halloween was never meant to be scary! Look it up and see. I hope you have fun tricking people, just be careful - they may not think it's so funny! You may end up with a Halloween black eye!
love ya always and forever!
your one and only mema