Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Reason I Get In Trouble.

This is the cutest little toddler ever even though he can be a bit stinky at times. (make that a lot of the time) Braydon usually gets what he wants for the most part. I guess that goes along with being three. Tootie (Braydon), I could tell you thousands of stories about your baby life, but let's just bring it down to one. You probably won't remember this, but your favorite movie of all time used to be Finding Nemo. Boy, let me tell you what! You would watch that 20 times a day, no kidding. You would act out parts from the movie and when the movie was over, you would say, Pepa, can we watch that again?....and Pepa seeing your cute little face would in turn reply, "Of course, little buddy." I thought, "Oh, no every time I heard those words." You're my cute, little, baby brother and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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